Use conditional logic to let users skip irrelevant questions or sections by showing or hiding certain form fields depending on their answers to previous questions.
Start your free trialConditional logic allows you to transform your form, combine multiple forms into one, or capture further input if a certain answer is selected.
Use smart form features including conditional logic, field validation, multi-page forms, and save and complete later so users find the form filling experience as simple and uncomplicated as possible.
Ask Additional Questions
Ask extra questions to gather more detail when a user answers a question in a certain way.
Hide Irrelevant Sections
Hide sections that aren’t relevant to a specific user, based on the answers provided earlier in the form.
Combine Multiple Processes
Combine multiple forms or processes in one form, then show only the relevant questions to each user.
Add Logic to Notifications
Send custom email or SMS notifications to the right people depending on answers in your form.
Learn more about using Snapforms at our Guides & FAQs.
Form Builder
Data Collection
Notifications and Workflows
Field Types