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Formstack alternative based in Australia

Try an Australian alternative with all the features and integrations you need to create amazing online forms.

Our online forms service is Australian-based, we host all our data on-shore and we adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles, Privacy Act and the federal government's Cyber Security Guidelines.

Start a free 30-day trial

Trusted by Australian organisations of all sizes

Get the features, functionality and flexibility you want as well as local Australian-based support.

Secure Australian Solution

Ensure full compliance with The Australian Privacy Principles, Privacy Act and cyber security principles.

Australian-Based Support Team

Get local Australian-based support and expert guidance via phone, email or chat.

Unlimited Form Fields

Create forms as long and detailed as you need them to be.

Comparing Snapforms vs. Formstack


Australian Privacy Principles Compliance

Australian Support

Website Embed

Save and Resume

Collect Signatures

Advanced Workflows

Pro or Enterprise
File Uploads

Conditional Logic

PDF Copies

Email Logic

Advanced Workflows

Billing in AUD

Payment Integrations

Take Bookings and Appointments

Direct Integrations with Australia's most Popular Platforms

Need help moving your products and customers to Snapforms?Start a free 30 day-trial

“Privacy issues are a huge topic for us, and knowing that we don’t have to worry about that aspect is a big plus.”

The German International School Sydney needed a secure, user-friendly online data collection solution that complied with Australia’s privacy laws.

Read the case study

Use powerful online forms to improve any process or workflow

Tap into Snapforms' long list of features to give your clients and customers a better experience, streamline your internal processes, and make informed business decisions.

Include Your Branding

Easily customise the design and branding of your forms, which work great on all devices.

Website Embed

Quickly and easily embed your form on your website.

Collect Signatures

Enable users to digitally sign forms using their mouse or finger.

PDF Copies

Download or send your form responses as a filled-in PDF copy.

Advanced Workflows

Involve multiple people in approval flows, multiple signatories, multi-department processes and more.

Payment Integrations

Accept payments on your form using our integrations with Australian banks and global payment providers.

Conditional Logic

Show or hide certain form fields depending on the users' answers to previous questions.

Save and Complete Later

Allow users to save their incomplete form submission and come back to it later.

Multi-page Forms

Split your longer form in to multiple pages for a better user experience.

File Uploads

Allow users to upload or attach files to your form.

Pre-Built Integrations

Get out-of-box integrations with Australian software providers and practice management software.

Billing in Australian Dollars

Snapforms' pricing and billing is all in Australian currency (AUD) with monthly or annual plans.

Formstack Alternative FAQs

  • Does Formstack comply with the Australian Privacy Act?
  • Can we migrate existing Formstack forms to Snapforms?
  • Can we embed your forms and surveys onto our website?
  • Is Formstack secure?
  • Is Formstack easy to use?
  • How much does it cost to use Formstack?
  • What is better than Formstack?
Get an online form trial or demo absolutely free.