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Field Groups

The Field Group design element allows you to organise your form by grouping questions logically, or creating sections that align with a workflow.

Field groups may be linked to workflow steps and conditional logic can be applied to the entire field group, instead of individual fields.

Add a field group

  1. From the Design Elements panel, click and drag the Field Group element onto your form.
  2. Enter a name for internal purposes only, e.g. Employee Leave Details
  3. (Optional) To apply conditional logic, click Show Advanced Options and set up the rules for displaying the field group.
  4. Click Save & Close.
  5. Click and drag the relevant form fields/elements into this field group. Be sure to wait for the blue line to appear in the field group before dropping the field.
  6. Repeat above steps for each new group or workflow step, e.g. Manager Approval, HR Notes.
  7. Save your form.


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