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Overview – how it works

We understand working with online forms can be daunting.
No matter what your purpose is, you can use our form builder to create and start using your form in minutes – without any technical knowledge!

Australian solution

Whether you are bound by privacy legislation, funding requirements, or simply want the best speed and security for your customers in Australia, we have you covered.

Our service is based in Australia, we host all our data on our Sydney based servers, and we adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles.

Create forms

Our clients create all sorts of forms for their business including surveys, competitions, contact forms, registrations, order forms, booking forms, payment forms and more.
Creating a form is as simple as deciding on what you want your form to do, then using our drag-and-drop editor to build it using the available form fields.

We give you pre-built templates to use as a starting point if you like, and we’re always available to help with building your form if you need it.

Publish forms

Once your form is created, you can embed it on a page of your website so it looks like a seamless part of your page. If you don’t have anywhere to embed the form, you can simply send people a direct web link to your form, that we provide you.

All forms are fully responsive which means they work on mobile phones and all other devices and screen sizes.. and they look great!

Collect responses

Log in to your dashboard at any time to easily view and download a list of all your responses or view statistics and other powerful reporting information for your form.

Depending on what type of form you have, you may also choose to receive notifications via email or SMS each time you get a response.

Get an online form trial or demo absolutely free.